The Paul Kent Legal Training OLQE 2023 Course offers a Revision Package (“RP”) in all 5 Heads of the OLQE: Head I (Conveyancing), Head II (Civil and Criminal Procedure), Head III (Commercial and Company Law), Head IV (Accounts and Professional Conduct), and Head VI (Hong Kong Constitutional Law).

Candidates may register for the RP as a stand-alone package or combine it with other learning packages.


12 hours of live online tuition (6 x 2 hour sessions)

Classes will be held in the evenings from Monday to Friday from 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm Hong Kong time (with extension of time as necessary), commencing in September 2023.

Schedule of Classes

Session No.Head IHead VIHead IVHead IIHead III
112 September 202320 September 202321 September 202329 September 202318 September 2023
219 September 202327 September 202328 September 202306 October 202325 September 2023
326 September 202304 October 202305 October 202313 October 202309 October 2023
403 October 202311 October 202312 October 202320 October 202316 October 2023
510 October 202318 October 202319 October 202327 October 202330 October 2023
617 October 202325 October 202326 October 202310 November 202313 November 2023


Dates of Sessions

The dates of the sessions follow the order of the examinations, so the Head I exam is first and the Head III exam is last.


Exam Practice.

The RP, like all of the PKLT packages, is devoted to exam practice, a fundamental feature of PKLT’s problem-solving approach to legal training. By doubling the time previously allocated to the RP, we aim to help candidates to hone their writing skills leading up to the exams. In all of the sessions we will work through the kinds of problems that arise in the OLQE, and consider recent developments that might generate questions in the exam. As with the Virtual Learning package, any person who joins a live online RP session may participate by raising questions and/or engaging in discussion, and/or download audio recordings of each live session. 


Unlimited contact with Paul Kent Legal Training via email sent directly to Paul Kent.

Recent Developments

Q & As

Mock Examination

Full answers to the Mock Examination

Individual written feedback on mock exam submissions.

Mock Examination Feedback Session

We will discuss the answers to the Mock Examination in the final revision session in each subject.

Audio Recordings

Candidates may download audio recordings of the live online sessions.   

Registration Form

Please contact us for a registration form which contains fees for this package.

Please note that this revision package is included in the Virtual Learning Package (“VLP”) for Head I (Conveyancing) and Head VI (Hong kong Constitutional Law), so if you register for the VLP you do not need to complete a separate registration form for the RP.

Head V

Please note that Head V (Principles of Common Law) is a separate package. Please contact us if you are only interested in that Head.